Saturday, September 5, 2009

Whit's End

Staring at the walls of my day to day life I imagine walking away into the unknown sunset where all possibilities merge like rivers before an ocean.

I look at my hands, the life within. These walls and this air have no room for me or the life dwelling inside. I want to express myself and be human. I long to discover the power in my soul and get off this Tatooine planet.

But this is not my walk. This is not now. To arrive at the delta marks the end of the river. To achieve whit's end and say "I shall not want" marks the beginning of the ocean.

God will not open the seas for our discovering until we learn to read His nature. Without him we will crash back on the shore or fall prey to the South Seas.

If I allow room for self-discovery in my soul then God cannot have his complete way with me. If I want all that today has for me I must first let all ambition go and achieve the whit's end of my self.

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